Journey or Destination: What propels you?

Lindsay King-Kloepping
2 min readMay 15, 2024


Photo by Matt Foxx on Unsplash

My mom texted me one afternoon, about 5 hours after she left my house for her home, “Never go on a road trip with your father; he’s hopeless and lost.” I chuckled and responded, “You have to view road trips with Dad as an adventure. It’s the journey you go on, not the destination.”

Those words, first revealed to me on the road to Hana in Hawaii, have become a mantra. They’ve gotten me through some tough times but also led to some incredibly hilarious ones. From literal road trips with the family to how I approach my career and passions. Viewing the experience as a journey and not necessarily a destination has opened up paths I’d never considered possible.

There are twists and turns, roadblocks and u-turns but if you focus so much on where you’re going, you’ll miss the beautiful sights you see along the way….

Don’t get me wrong; there are dreams, passions, goals, and aspirations to put some boundaries in place (I mean, climbing Everest sounds fantastic but largely impractical in my present situation), but keeping an open mind and saying “yes, and” has been pretty fruitful so far.

So, what propels you? Are you in it for the destination? or are you excited by the journey?

